2023 Stewardship Campaign

We welcome all in our parish to "Come Home" to Christ Church this fall and pledge your financial support. We have overcome much in the last few years, and we have much to look forward to in the year ahead.

In addition to covering the fixed costs of maintaining our facilities and paying our bills, our budget goals for 2023 are to:

  • Secure sufficient funds to call a new Rector
  • Hire a part-time Director of Christian Education to expand our youth and family ministries
  • Support our Music Program by staffing interim music directors for our adult choir and children’s choristers
  • Provide financial support to our other ministries, including Worship, Outreach, Fellowship, and Pastoral Care

Our Stewardship packet materials (at right) include a narrative summary of our budget, a detailed budget spreadsheet, a Q&A on the state of the church, and information on how to pledge.

Pledge Online


September 25 – 10 AM: Stewardship Kickoff with Skit, followed by Donuts, Apples & Cider

October 9 – 11:20 AM:  TOWN HALL Question and Answer, The State of our Church

October 16 (NEW DATE) – 10 AM: NOISY offering — please bring lots of coins for this fun stewardship event in partnership with our Children’s Ministry!

October 30 – 10 AM: Ingathering Sunday and Stewardship Celebration

Ministry Minutes

Christ Church parishioners share why they have made this community their church home in short videos on our Ministry Minutes page.

View Ministry Minutes

Dear Friends,

I am writing to encourage you to make your annual pledge in support of our Christ Episcopal Church community. As I write this, I think back to where we were last year at this time—emerging from COVID isolation and starting to piece together our scattered parish family. How far we have come! In-person worship is again routine, our church finances are on much firmer footing (and we are soon to be debt-free), and we have tackled long-deferred maintenance of our facilities. Christ Episcopal School has not only survived but thrived, with enrollment at 110% of our goal.

What moves me most about this moment in our parish history is seeing firsthand the dedicated love of people bringing their creativity, energy, faith, and intellect to aid in our church’s rebirth. There is a renewed spirit of personal ownership in building our church’s future. I feel deeply blessed to be part of this community and to see all the ways that each of us, in our beautiful individuality, work together to create a spiritual home for one another.

There is no question that we’ve been through hard times, but our resilience and persistence are visible and powerful. Today I see ministries reforming, service projects starting again, and relationships building between friends both old and new. What an auspicious time to welcome a new Rector to join us in our re-awakening! 

Thanks to the dedicated search effort led by Bryant Trost, we are well into our process of meeting remarkable candidates. These applicants have expressed their amazement and appreciation for our perseverance and creativity during difficult times. I invite you to join me in making a generous pledge to provide a solid foundation for our new leadership that demonstrates our shared commitment to the future of Christ Church. Your support this year communicates not only your love of the parish but also your desire to welcome and encourage our next Rector!  

It is a truly exciting time to be part of this community. Thanks for being a part of it with me.

Your Senior Warden,

Emily Pearce