Transforming Generosity

2019 Annual Stewardship Campaign

Our stewardship theme this year, “Transforming Generosity,” is an opportunity to reflect about both generosity and transformation. In Christ we are a new creation, transformed by the Holy Spirit!

Transformation is not just about change; it is about radical change! Change that proceeds from the heart and love of God. How would “generosity” be transformed at Christ Church if we remembered each and every moment what Jesus is calling us to do?

Consider the many blessings that we experience at Christ Church…worship with beautiful music, formation and outreach opportunities for all ages, fellowship and pastoral care, care of the environment and St. Francis Flock, and don’t forget the Bargain Box. In each of these experiences there is the possibility of meeting Christ and becoming transformed by his love. Given God’s incredible generosity in providing so richly for us, isn’t it amazing that the Holy One asks so little of us?

What is it that God is asking of us, especially as we come to this season when we turn our focus to the annual financial stewardship campaign at Christ Church? God invites each of us to return a portion of God’s generous gifts to us through our annual pledge. God invites us to grow in our generosity by taking a “step up” in our proportional giving. God invites us into one of the most ancient of transformative practices, the tithe, or giving back a minimum of 10% of our time, talent, and treasure (yes, that’s our money).

In this season of Stewardship, we invite your prayers, your participation, and your pledge. Ingathering Sunday is November 11th. Please bring your pledge card with you that day, or better yet turn it in early in the offering plate or by mail. Get ready to be transformed through your generosity. That is what God is all about — blessing us more than we can ask or imagine!

2019 Budget Highlights

  • 2019 Proposed Budget: $1,316,000 (3% increase)
  • 2019 Pledge Goal: $735,000 (5% increase)
  • 2.5% salary increase for clergy & lay staff in keeping with Diocesan guidelines
  • 5% increase in support for the Diocese and Outreach programs/activities in keeping with historical commitment to dedicate funds outside the church