Lenten Devotional

Welcome to Christ Church’s 7th annual booklet of devotions for the days of Lent. In many ways there can be no more important work for the church of today than in investing in projects such as this. We Episcopalians often safely reside in the shadow of the liturgies that shape our worship, and we accordingly don’t focus enough on how we might share our faith in a world that is hungry for the meaning and presence of God. In choosing to write these reflections, we humbly acknowledge that we hope to be vessels for the grace and peace of Christ, one to another, by our thoughts and words. Such work builds up the life of this community, and makes us all the richer and stronger in faith. 

May these days of Lent be deeply rewarding and enlightening to us all. 

Oct. 6 Blessing of the Animals & Pet Fair

Bring your furry friend to church for a special blessing after the service! Plus: pet adoptions + pet parade + kids' bouncy house + pet vendors & services

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