Rise Against Hunger

Christ Church participates in meal packaging for Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now), an international relief agency that coordinates the distribution of food and other lifesaving aid to children and families in countries all over the world.

Christ Church, in partnership with Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now), has prepared meal packets for over 175,000 children worldwide living in remote locations with few resources. Rise Against Hunger (a 4-star charity rated 91 out of 100 by Charity Navigator) is a U.S.-based nonprofit hunger relief organization that supports both crisis response (disaster, famine relief, etc.) and transformational development programs (vocational training, early childhood development, etc.). The meals provided are easily stored and transported, shelf-stable, and nutritious. In a few hours Christ Church volunteers assemble thousands of meal packets that are delivered to places of need worldwide such as Africa, Cambodia, Haiti, Nicaragua, North Korea and the Philippines. Christ Church has been a leader among Maryland churches in support of this effort, with participants of all ages and generations making the event a highlight of our Outreach Ministry.

A key to the success of Rise Against Hunger Saturday is that it is organized as an efficient and family-friendly enterprise, with roles for every age and ability. Children and teens work alongside their parents, grandparents, and peers in a cooperative and raucous setting, where the work of our hands connects us all with our sisters and brothers all over our planet. It's also great fun!
Our last event was April 27, 2024.  Please check this website for details the next event, scheduled for April 5, 2025.