Fellowship & Welcoming
Christ Church is a close-knit community where we experience God's love through fellowship with one another.

Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee plans, coordinates, and hosts receptions for events as well as oversees Coffee Hour, Adult Supper Club, and the Adult Christmas Party. The Committee meets as needed to plan events.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour provides an opportunity for worshipers at the 10:00 a.m. service to socialize while enjoying coffee and snacks. Four teams of coffee hour angels set up coffee and lemonade one Sunday a month, and coffee hour bakers prepare food once a month.
Adult Supper Club
Adults get together the second Saturday of the month from 7:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m. at a volunteer’s home for supper and fellowship. Everyone brings a dish to feed eight. Guests are welcome. In December, we meet in the Dining Room and Murdock Room for the festive Adult Christmas Party.
Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee’s goal is to provide a warm welcome to those who are newcomers to Christ Church. The team coordinates the greeter schedule and is open to new ways to welcome and engage those new to our parish.