Christ Church is committed to informing and engaging with parishioners and prospective members in ways that strengthen our parish community and make known the love of Christ. Our communications and marketing activities strive to faithfully reflect the vitality, mission and ministries of Christ Church.

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee, in partnership with clergy, vestry, staff and other ministries, provides strategic guidance and hands-on implementation of church communications activities. These include:
- Christ Church Website – includes visitor information, calendar of worship services and ministry activities, ministry descriptions, sermon recordings, and more.
- Facebook Page – Follow us on Facebook to stay connected with Christ Church and our parish community. We welcome contributions to promote church ministry activities.
- Advertising & Publicity – informational brochures, advertising, signage, and other initiatives to strengthen our community and improve information sharing and outreach
- Video Streaming – We assist the streaming team in broadcasting CEC services live on YouTube.
Much of our work consists of supporting other ministries in their communications efforts, as well as guiding the church in communications technologies and strategy.
We welcome anyone interested to participate. We are particularly in need of individuals with marketing or public relations and/or graphic design expertise to help guide our advertising and publicity efforts.