Sunday School

Christ Church offers Sunday school classes for children age 4 through grade 5. Each class is aimed at helping children experience faith at their level of understanding. Classes are held most Sundays, excluding summer, during the 10 a.m. service.

Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m. (drop-off) and end between 10:30 and 10:45. After class, teachers will lead the children back to their caregivers for the duration of the church service.

The Parish is offering two programs for this school year:

Godly Play

Godly Play (preK - 2nd grade)

Godly Play is a hands-on, story-centered introduction to Bible stories for preschoolers through Grade 2. Classes are held in the new Godly Play Room, accessed via the side double doors in the rear of the church worship area.

Learn more about Godly Play on the Godly Play Foundation website.

Shine - Living in God's Light

SHINE! (grades 3-5)

Shine: Living in God's Light is a dynamic Sunday School curriculum for children in grades 3-5. Shine aims to inspire children to follow Jesus and cultivate their growing faith, with a focus on the Bible Story and connecting the Bible to daily living.

Shine Sunday School is being held in Room 202 (second-floor classroom down the main hallway on the left).

Learn more about Shine: Living God's Light on the Shine curriculum website.

Christmas Schedule

Celebrate Christmas at Christ Church! Christmas Eve: 4 p.m. Family Service & Nativity Pageant; 10:00 p.m. Carols & Candlelight Mass. Christmas Day Eucharist at 10 a.m. Services for the Rockville City Police at 5:15pm 12/24 and 5:15am 12/25.

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