Children & Youth
Christ Church is committed to serving the needs of our youth through all stages of their development. We offer extensive programs for children and their families, including nursery care, Sunday School, Children's Church, Youth Group, and more.

Childcare is available Sunday mornings during the 10:00 a.m. service for ages six months to 4 years, as well as at selected special services during the year. Our nursery room (which is shared with our school Kindergarten class) is staffed by trained aides and stocked with toys, books, and appropriate videos, as well as toddler-sized bathroom facilities and changing table. Pagers are provided to notify you during the service if your child needs assistance.
Sunday School
Christ Church offers Sunday School classes for children age 4 through grade 5. Classes are held most Sundays during the 10 a.m. service. Drop-off is at 9:45 a.m. and classes end between 10:30 and 10:45. We are offering two programs this school year:
Godly Play (preK - 2nd grade)
Godly Play is a hands-on, story-centered introduction to Bible stories for preschoolers through Grade 2. Classes are held in the new Godly Play Room (accessed via the side double doors in the rear of the church worship area).
SHINE! (grades 3-5)
Shine: Living in God's Light is a dynamic curriculum that inspires children to follow Jesus and cultivate their growing faith, with a focus on the Bible Story. Classes are held in Room 202 (second-floor classroom down the main hallway on the left).
Youth Group Fellowship and Service
Youth at Christ Church participate in fellowship and service activities to nurture their spiritual growth, including Youth Group and community service. Christ Church is a partner in the regional youth ministry, Montgomery Episcopal Regional Caring Youth (MERCY), which also includes St. James in North Potomac and St. Francis in Potomac, led by Pastor Allison Michael.
We believe that youth are not only the future of the church but an important part of our everyday mission. Our youth actively participate throughout the church, including in worship, Sunday School education, Acolytes, Choristers, Nursery, Outreach, Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, and Adult Forums. Our goal is that our youth live out their faith in their daily lives.