2019 Pictorial Directory

Photo sessions have ended, but you can still participate in our new Pictorial Directory! See below for instructions on how to submit a photo and update your contact information for the directory.

Photos and roster updates are due by Friday, May 31. The photograph and contact information you provide will appear in both the print and online directories.

Submit Your Photo

If you were unable to attend a photo session, you can submit your own digital photograph for the directory. Please email your high-resolution digital photo to webmaster@cecrockville.org. Directory photos will be published in landscape (horizontal) orientation (approx. 5:7 ratio). In your email, please list the names of each person that appears in the photo.

Feel free to send several photos, and we will pick the one that works best for the directory.


Update Your Contact Information

Please use the Contact Update form on our website to submit your current information for the directory, even if you think it is up-to-date. This will also tell us which information you want published and to which family members various phone numbers and email addresses belong.

Update Contact Info


We are partnering with Lifetouch for this important project. Lifetouch is providing the directory at no cost to our church. Every family photographed will receive a complimentary directory and 8x10 portrait, with the opportunity to purchase additional photos. There is no obligation to make any purchase.


Lifetouch offers some new features to keep our directory current and accessible:

  • Community Connect Program – as Christ Church continues to grow, Lifetouch will return to photograph new families and provide updated directories to everyone who previously received them free of charge.
  • Online Directory – Lifetouch’s new mobile-friendly online directory provides password-protected access to parishioner contact information and photos from your computer or smartphone.

We also will receive digital images for use with our internal technology systems.